Global Webinar Series 2022-2024

Launched in February 2022, the TWP CoP Global Webinar Series addresses leading global affairs and development questions and debates related to Thinking and Working Politically. The Series consists of online webinars organised in collaboration with key partners that span a range of themes including; resilient health systems in the age of COVID-19, revitalising democracy, what localisation means in practice, and TWP-ing about regional cooperation and integration. To find out more, please see below.

Previous Events in the Series:

Wednesday 11 December 2024, 15:00GMT : Monitoring and Evaluation in Thinking and Working Politically

How can we tell if efforts to promote change through politically informed approaches are working?

Facilitated by Florencia Guerzovich and Tom Aston, this conversation reflected on how those engaged in efforts to promote change through politically informed approaches go about monitoring and evaluating those TWP initiatives, in ways that appreciate the complexities involved.

Monday 29 April 2024, 08:30am BST: A Conversation on Politics, Development, and Change

In collaboration with The Asia FoundationGlobal Partners Governance and  Development Intelligence Lab 

This webinar provided an interactive session with politicians and development practitioners. The session explored how well development actors understood the interests and incentives of elected officials, what shapes politicians’ views of development actors and their goals, and how to work together to inform change and development.

Thursday 27 April 2023, 12:00 – 13:30pm BST: Southern Perspectives on international assistance to democracy and human rights: Is donor support fit for purpose?

This webinar starts from the perspective of democracy and human rights activists from the Global South, rather than aid agencies. It asks what they consider to be good practice in terms of the provision of external support to assist democracy and human rights, what has undermined their efforts, and what can be done differently.

Wednesday 15 March 2023, 15:00-16:30pm GMT: Roundtable: In conversation with Heather Marquette, Laure-Hélène Piron and Verena Fritz

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice, this roundtable discussed what some of the most significant innovations around thinking in more politically aware ways and working differently as a result have been over the past decade, what insights and lessons have emerged along the way, where this agenda is getting traction and making a difference, and where it may head next.

Monday 5 December 2022, 14:00-16:00pm GMT: Political Economy Analysis and TWP: Learning from ten years of USAID experience

In collaboration with the TWP Washington DC Working Group

This webinar explores the experience of USAID and its partners with political economy analysis (PEA) and how it has been used to inform programmatic strategy, design and implementation. Drawing on a rich panel of development experts, the discussion examines field applications of PEA across sectors identify facilitating and constraining factors for TWP and look forward at how applied PEA can improve future programming.

Thursday 23 June 2022, 10-11:30am BST: Thinking and working politically about regional cooperation and integration

In collaboration with ECDPM

This online event, organised in collaboration with ECDPM, discussed the experience and challenges of thinking and working politically in regional approaches, focusing on economic integration and cooperation in Africa. Building on lessons from more of a decade of work that ECDPM has led on this, the event explored examples of innovative efforts at supporting regional integration in politically-informed ways to tease out insights about how what has worked well, less well and why, moving from policy to practice and impact.

Wednesday 30 March: Engaging with Politics: towards smarter international support to revitalise democracy

In collaboration with ODI

This webinar explored how democracy assistance can be reconceptualised to get greater traction and relevance on the ground. The discussion focussed on different efforts across themes and areas of engagement in democracy support in a variety of countries and regions. In doing so, it provided key insights about how democracy can deliver and rebuild trust, and deepened understanding of where pressures for democratic reform can inform more effective international development efforts to foster democracy.

This event has now finished. Please click on the button below to watch a recording and read a summary.

Monday 21/ Tuesday 22 March: Localisation and locally led development: An opportunity for thinking and working politically to deliver?

In collaboration with La Trobe University

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated calls to “localise” aid, ushering much needed reflection about the nature of international development work and the need to ensure that development efforts are genuinely locally led, and that in-country partners have a leading voice in decisions that affect them. But what does localising aid mean in actual practice? This webinar discussed the key issues and debates on the localisation of aid and mapped out what some organisations are doing. Through using a TWP perspective highlighted the pressing questions, dilemmas, tensions, and debates which need to be addressed to keep the agenda moving forward.

This event has now ended. Please click below to read a write-up.

Thursday 17 February 2022: Thinking Politically about Health Systems Resilience in the Context of COVID-19

In collaboration with The Policy Practice, and DAI Global Health

This event examined how the resilience of health systems has been shaped by political and institutional processes, and how the national and international response to COVID-19 has itself affected resilience. The discussion highlighted which factors have mattered most in different contexts and helps to set the agenda for future research in this area, including in the run-up to the 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR 2022), whose theme this year is ‘health systems performance in the political agenda.’

The event has now ended. Please click below to watch a recording and read an event write-up.